Women in Family Business & NextGen

Women in Family Business

Women in Family Business is the AIDAF chapter that works on women’s leadership issues. It brings together female
leaders who fill an entrepreneurial and management role (executive or non-executive) in the family business.

The mission is to highlight the contribution of women to leadership change, through the evolution of gender culture, acting on three levels: family, school and business.


  • ADVOCACY, INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS & COMMUNICATION through AIDAF and the individual entrepreneurs
    who represent it
  • ORIENTATION, INSPIRATION & EDUCATION starting from schools to companies and communities in general, thanks to the involvement and testimony of role models and best practices
  • MEASUREMENT & SUPPORT to companies in the process of defining internal objectives regarding women in position of power


The AIDAF#NextGen Youth Group is open to the new generations (under 40) of associated entrepreneurial families, whether they work in the company or not. It is a very lively and active network, with its own governance (Youth Committee, whose President automatically joins the Board of Directors) and its own program of dedicated activities and events throughout the year.

Young people from AIDAF member companies can also participate in the activity programs dedicated to them by FBN – Family Business Network, of which AIDAF is a part.
AIDAF supports the new generations of member families in finding an internship in other member companies and in international companies associated with FBN.